Monday, January 14, 2008

Zero day...

Or better yet a day of zero.
Wifey had to head back out to armPitts-burgh (as she so loving calls it) lastnight for work again. So that left me and the three fuzzy four legged amigos with the house to ourselves. So I (we) did what any man would do with his wife out of town for a couple nights.

Yep, you guessed it....I slept in late, and then laid around in my underwear (which I have none) all day.
After talking myself out of reenacting the underwear dance seen from Risky Business I got the day rolling. The weather here in the Philly area was....well, the weather here in the Philly area in January. Cold, wet, gray and all around crappy.

But with having booked ninety miles over the weekend on the fix gear I wanted a day out of the saddle anyway. So with the body still a little spent, and the weather looking like a horror movie I gave the meat pistons the day off.

And so the day pretty much looked like a lot of this.....

This was just before the snoring started, I kind of worn the poor boy out this morning.

For some strange reason a buddy of mine sent me this in an email lastnight. Which after seeing I have the need to go take a shower....for some reason I just feel dirty now.

The weather looks good for a ride tomorrow, hoping to put in a good 40-50 miles before the wife gets home in the late afternoon. Now for at shower...

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