Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Strava stalkers....

It's been awhile I know.....and trust me, this is gonna be far from my best work.

But before I mount my
a little background if you're the 1% of the four readers of this blog (what...I was never good at math) that doesn't know what Strava is.

Strava is like Garmin Connect meets Facebook but on steroids. You upload your GPS data and people that are your "followers" can see what you've done....in all a really cool idea. But what makes Strava stand out is the "segments." Think of segments as "timed efforts" from one point to the next, and like anything "timed" there's a winner. The "winner" of a segment on Strava is called the KOM/QOM (if you don't know that those are just stop reading and go back to watching The View.)

Now anything can be a segment (your favorite hill climb, a sprint section on one of your rides, or even just your twenty mile chill with the Wifey ride loop) and segments can be made by any user. But once you make one it's out there.....for the taking.

My first couple of months using the site were kind of cool, very easy and user friendly...and to steal a line from a friend "I love looking at 

Onto my soapbox I go......

Wifey and I were talking over dinner lastnight and I told her how I'd uploaded three weeks worth of data a couple hours earlier (you already see how on point I am on the whole thing.) She'd already know threw a friend that was questioning her about if you joined any of them. Still all's cool.

The next few minutes she fills me in on conversations she's been around recently.