Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New mistress...

Dear Wifey,

There's no easy way to say this, so here it is....I've found a new love.

As you know I've got around a lot in the past few years. There's been Blonds, multiple Red's and even a Blue or two in this long search. I've tried many of her kind (even a good number in her own family) but none have floored me....even thou as you know, I've ended up on the floor a couple of times in this search.

She may be to strong for some, or to dark for others. But it's her earthy complexness that sends my pallet to places never before known. I'll still flirt with others and maybe even have a fling or two with the old favorites....but I think my feelings for this new mistress are true....

Your loving hubby


Petit Chèvre said...

9.6 ABV Yikes! The graphics are great too -- send it to the guys at Twin 6 for a look-see. I on the other hand will look for it on my favorite enablers shelves.

Spin On

Jason said...


Unknown said...

So ummm....whats up with the head scanning thing? I get hit by a car and no head scan....you get one because you like to sit in MRI machines?