Monday, December 24, 2007

Fixies, the Fat Man and flying.

Knowing I'd be without a saddle for a couple of days I wanted to get in a good couple hours in the saddle before the flight out to the land of the Morman.

I meet up with Girlwonder (aka Erica) and Pam for a nice 50 mile ride on the fixies. We started out in D-town, dropped down to the river and turn north toward Frenchtown and Milford. Up thru Milford along the river and climbed up Spring Garen Rd for a little work (great fixed gear climb) and turned back toward home. Great loop on fixies, nice mix of flats and workable climbs.

Speaking of post ride nutrition, take a look at what I came home to. Looks like I somehow made it on the Fat man's good boy list this year (FYI he takes bribes) and he came a little early too.

And now it's off for a five hour plane, joy, joy.

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