Kind of at the last minute Wifey and I decided to head down and to Snotcycle down in VA. It was mostly just to scout out the course for the upcoming Baker's Dozen, but we also had a number of friends coming too (even thou I did not get to do much BSing.)
You can kind of see that the trail was changing from ice to mud where the sun was, so once again the name Snotcycle was balls on...a little more on that "mud" to come.
The third lap we had a lot more mud in the fields where the sun was melting the ice sheets, but the trails themselves were getting better. They were still snow/ice, but they were starting to get a little grip to them.
The last lap started just as the third did, I passed the guy in the picture above crossing the timing mats (he past me both times on a climb I could not gear down shifting and a monster gear) He, I and a third guy (just in front of us) BS'ed most of the race, was one of those races.
Knowing I had to gain time on the spots where I could I pushed a little hard then I wanted to in the first few hundred meters of the trailhead. I went by my BS partner up front that earlier joked "the last lap it's every man for himself" and continued to push for a couple minutes till I heard nothing behind me.
On an open flat road (mud) section about a third of the way thru I look back and saw no one for 200-300 meters. That when I took a few deep breaths and started thinking about the "mud" covering my face, and even in my mouth. The course runs threw a cow pasture and if I was one cow patty I was a thousand...and we were riding threw them.
So you get the point on the "mud." Something seams wrong about a vegetarian not eating meat, but being ok with having cow ass in your mouth....I'll need to check the vegetarian handbook on that one.
So things ended as they were, never see my riding partners again. But the first thing I wanted to do have seeing why the Hell I could not shift was get the cow ass off me.
The shift was east to figure out once I look at the drivetrain. Both the middle/small gears up front and the rear cassette were blocks of ice. It was kind of cool to see at first....but then it took my body about two minutes to felt just like them.
I knew I was out of the payout range so my main concern was not gettin hypothermia, so it was off to dry clothes and the heat of the car. The violent shivering took about 20-30 minutes to stop but then the nausea kicked in because I did not eat during or after the race. But after a recovery bar and sitting in the passenger seat in the fetal position for an hour things started to come back.
Still a little fuzzy on my placing, but Wifey was thinking 6-8th (I'm thinking 10-12th range) of the 40ish person field. Results should be out in a few days, I'll threw a number up then.
Also want to throw a shout out to Fort James, Wifey told me you were 3-4th. Great job man, you and Jason had a HUGE freakin field of riders out there.
Today it's gonna hit the mid 40's, so that will put me out on the fixie for a recovery spin.....and then maybe get tested for mad cow.
Nice seeing you and "that woman you live with" yesterday. The snow and ice made this XC race a completely different beast.
See you there again in April. Hopefully there will be NO snow and ice then!
Good to see you and the Missus too. Now about those broken legs . . . . .
See you soon,
good blog.. I had a blast
Hey, "that guy" (number 10) is me. Nice writeup. I was really cooked that last lap and feel like I did about 1/2 the speed the whole thing. I had one gear left that was about gone and no front brake for 1/2 a lap. That other dude that was riding near us smashed his rear-mech on the last lap and walked out
So "that guy" from now on is Doug.
Was cool BS'ing with you and the third guy we were with. I was right behind him when he broke down, really sucks.
Hope to see you down the road...once it's warmer.
Good report! Congrats on the ride and place. If you are right on the cow crap, it is just about like eating a McDonald's burger -- I should know.
Spin On
Pic from snot cycle.
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